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Our Board of Directors at Gospel Mission Trips is comprised of individuals deeply rooted in their faith and driven by a commitment to spread the Gospel across the 10-40 Window. This esteemed group includes theologians, missionaries with decades of field experience, and professionals from a range of industries, all bringing unique perspectives and skills to guide our mission. Each member shares a profound dedication to mobilizing churches and volunteers, believing strongly in the power of collective action to make a tangible difference in the world's most unreached regions.


Guided by wisdom, prayer, and strategic planning, our Board sets the vision for Gospel Mission Trips, ensuring that we remain focused on our goal to bring kingdom influence to neglected areas. Their leadership has been instrumental in expanding our reach, with thousands of individuals impacted by our mission trips, numerous churches planted, and communities transformed. The Board's oversight and passion fuel our organization's drive to see the love of Christ known in every corner of the 10-40 Window.