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Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement at Gospel Mission Trips is to empower churches and believers to demonstrate the transformative power of the Gospel in the 10-40 Window, a region largely untouched by the message of Christ's love. We are dedicated to facilitating 7-day voluntary mission trips that not only proclaim the Good News but also address the pressing needs of communities through healthcare, education, and sustainable development initiatives. By doing so, we aim to enact kingdom influence in areas of profound need.


Since our foundation, we have witnessed the powerful impact of our mission: over 200 churches established, more than 10,000 Bibles distributed, and the lives of countless individuals enriched spiritually and materially. These achievements underscore our commitment to fostering spiritual awakening and societal change across the 10-40 Window. Join us in this vital mission, and be a part of a movement that is setting hearts ablaze and bringing hope to the most neglected regions of the world.